While we were not be able to gather together in person for concerts in 2020, we're delighted to sing together from wherever we were and share with you!
These pieces feature several of our members, and we extend special thanks to Julie Gaulke for her sound and video editing.
This is our first ever virtual performance of the gorgeous “Deep Peace” by Bill Douglas. We hope it brings some healing and comfort.
Franz Biebl's "Ave Maria," set for two treble choruses.
Our repertoire list is arranged by language of the text and composer’s country of origin. Within each Language heading, compositions are listed chronologically.
Clarum decus jejunii (hymn – Lent) Pope Gregory the Great (504-604)
Da pacem Domine Gregorian chant
Aeterne rex altissime Plainsong hymn
Ave maris stella Plainsong hymn
Alma redemptoris mater Plainsong antiphon
Ave Regina caelorum Plainsong
Benedicamus Domino Plainsong
Hodie Christus natus est Plainsong
Jubiliate Deo omnis terra Plainsong
O salutaris Hostia Plainsong
Puer natus est nobis Plainsong
Veni Creator spiritus Plainsong
Viderunt omnes Plainsong
Conditur alme siderum 5th or 6th c. chant
Christe, redemptory omnium 6th c. plainsong hymn
Ut queant laxis (chant) Guido d’Arezzo? (c.990-1050)
Aer enim Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
Karitas habundat Hildegard
O frondens virga Hildegard
O rubor sanguinis Hildegard
O viridissima virga Hildegard
Adest sponsus 12th c. Franco-Provençal conductus
Congaudeant catholici Codex Calixtinus, 12th c.
Qui creavit celum 13th c. chant
Veni, veni, Emanuel
Verbum Patris Umanatur
Virgines egregie 13th c. French sequence
Hodie Christus natus est chant
Fulget caelestis curia late 13th c. motet/rondellus
Veri floris sub figura Wolfenbüttel/Florence Manuscript, 13th c.
Ave virgo virginum 13th c. Florence manuscript
Alle- psallite cum –luya 13th c. French conductus
Lux hodie; Orientis partibus 12th / 13th c. French processional
Omnia beneficia 13th c. Polish conductus
Clara Dei famula 13th c. Polish rondellus
Veni, redemptor gencium Codex Las Huelgas, 13th-14th c. Spanish
Ave maris stella, conductus Codex Las Huelgas
Maria, virgo virginum Codex Las Huelgas
Benedicamus domino à 3 Codex Las Huelgas
Fa fa mi / Ut re mi Codex Las Huelgas
De castitatis thalamo Codex Las Huelgas
In virgulto gracie Codex Las Huelgas
Ave gloriosa mater/Ave Virgo/Domino Codex Las Huelgas/Bamberg Codex (13th c.)
Impudenter circumivi/Virtutibus Isorhythmic motet; Philippe de Vitry (1291-1361)
Salve virgo virginum 14th c. polyphonic song
Agnus dei: Virtute numinis 14th c.
Flos regalis 14th c. rondellus
Verbum caro factum est: In hoc anni circulo Jistebnice Cantional, 1420
Conditur alme siderum Guillaume Dufay (1400-1474)
Ecce, quod natura 15th c. English carol
Alleluia: a newe work 15th c. English carol
Puer natus in Bethlehem coll. Anna of Cologne, c. 1500
Psallite unigenito 1530; arr. Gunter Bialas
Audivi vocem de caelo John Taverner (c.1490-1545)
Jesu! Rex admirabilis Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/6-1594)
Domine Deus Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594)
Oculus non vidit Orlando di Lasso
Sancti mei Orlando di Lasso
Duo Seraphim clamabant Tomás Luis Victoria (1548-1611), ed. Susan McMane
In dulci jubilo arr. Michael Praetorius (1571-1621)
Personent hodie Piae cantiones (1582); melody: 14th c? German
Hodie Christus natus est Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Ave Regina caelorum Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (1602-c.1677), arr. Kristina Caswell MacMullen
Magnificat Niccola Porpora (1686-1768), ed. Ralph Hunter
Dona nobis pacem Traditional
Ave Maria Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)
Salve Regina, Op. 67, No. 1 Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)
Ave Maria, Op. 67, No. 2 Gabriel Fauré
Tota pulchra es Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986)
Illumina le tenebre Joan Szymko (b. 1957)
Nova! Nova! Ave fit ex Eva James MacMillan (b. 1959)
Aer enim Linda Kachelmeier (b. 1965)
O rubor sanguinis Linda Kachelmeier
Jerusalem Luminosa Abbie Betinis (b. 1980)
Shir Ha-Shirim traditional, arr. Yehudi Wyner
Lo Yisa Goy Traditional Jewish
Kosi R’vaya Rabbi Shefa Gold
Ma navu Yossi Spivak, arr. Shira Cion; 3/19, 6/19
Eyli David Zehavi, Hannah Senesh
Omnia beneficia 13th c. conductus
Clara Dei famula 13th c. rondellus
Bogurodzica 13th c. chant
Magnificat Mikolaj Radomski c. 1430
Chwala tobie, Gospodzinie Anonymous, c. 1452
Cracovia civitas Anonymous, 15th c.
Piesn: Sluchajcie mie wszystkie kraje Krzysztof Klabon (c. 1550-1616)
Piesn: Szerokie Sarmackie Wlosci Klabon
Piesn: Slawne Ptomstwo Lechowe Klabon
Piesn na wesele Jana Kostki Anonymous, 1556
Kalenda maya Rambaut de Vaqueyras, troubadour (d. 1207)
A chanter m’er de so qu’ieu non volria Beatriz de Dia (La Comtessa) (d. c. 1212)
Prendés I garde rondeau; Guillaume d’Amiens, 13th c. trouvère
S’on me regarde chanson; Montpellier Manuscript (13th c.)
Impudenter circumivi/Virtutibus Isorhythmic motet; Philippe de Vitry (1291-1361)
Ah, comme c’est chose belle 14th c. round
Ma fin est mon commencement Guillaume de Machaut (c.1300-1377)
Rose, liz, printemps Machaut
Amour et biaute/Quant en moy/Amara valde Isorhythmic motet; Machaut
Le ray au soleyl Johannes Ciconia (c.1370-1412)
A vous sans autre rondeau; Antoine Busnois (1430-1492)
Mille regretz solo song; Josquin des Prez (c.1450/1455-1521)
Contentez vous Pierre Certon (1515-1572)
Marchans qui traversez Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562-1621)
Ave Maria Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)
Salve Regina, Op. 67, No. 1 Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)
Ave Maria, Op. 67, No. 2 Gabriel Fauré
Noël des enfants qui n’ont plus de maisons Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
French Songs for Treble Voices (1990) Theodore Morrison
Le Sommeil de l’Enfant Jésus French Carol, arr. Ron Jeffers
V’la l’bon vent French Canadian, arr. Allison Girvan
Miri it is 13th c.
Edi beo thu 14th c. carol
Lullay: I saw a sweete, seemly sight 14th c. carol
Alleluia: A newe work 15th c. carol
Sing we to this merry company 15th c. carol
Nowell, nowell 15th c. carol
Nowell sing we 15th c. carol
Ther is no rose of swych vertu 15th c. carol
Nova! Nova! 15th c. carol
Ah, Robin, gentle Robin William Cornyshe (c.1465-1523)
Past Three A Clock Traditional, arr. Rutter
Baloo Baleerie Scottish Traditional, arr. S. MacIntosh
Deck the Hall Welsh Traditional, arr. Rutter
Tallis Canon (O Holy Bible, Book Divine) Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585)
Up! Good Christen Folk Piae Cantiones, 1582; arr. Rutter
Though Philomela lost her love Thomas Morley (1557/8-1602)
Full fathom five Robert Johnson (c.1583-c.1634)
Gush forth, my tears William Holborne, 1597
If it be love John Hilton (1599-1657)
Now Shall My Inward Joys Arise Africa, William Billings (1746-1800)
Welcome, Every Guest Knoxville Harmony, 1838
Away in a Manger W.J. Kilpatrick (1838-1921), arr. Willcocks
Cape Breton Lullaby Kenneth Leslie (1892-1974), arr. Stuart Calvert
I sing of a maiden Patrick Hadley (1899-1973)
The Place of the Blest Randall Thompson (1899-1984)
Hermit Songs Samuel Barber (1910-1981)
A Ceremony of Carols Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)
What Sweeter Music Daniel Pinkham (1923-2006)
Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal Alice Parker (b. 1925)
Jabberwocky Ron Jeffers (1943-2017)
The Lamb John Tavener, arr. Barry Rose; 4/18
Remember the Ladies Carol Barnett (b.1949) (w/piano); 6/19
Set me as a Seal René Clausen (b. 1953); 4/18
When icicles hang by the wall Stephen Hatfield (b. 1956); 4/18
Bonny Wood Green Irish Ballad, arr. Stephen Hatfield
The Lord’s Prayer John Tavener (1944-2013)
Nova! Nova! Ave fit ex Eva James MacMillan (b. 1959)
Adam Lay Ybounden Matthew Larkin (b. 1963)
O My Dear Heart Eleanor Daley
You spotted snakes with double tongue Jussi Chydenius (b. 1972)
Come Pretty Love Shaker song, arr. Joan Szymko (b. 1957)
Lay Me Low Shaker song, arr. Kevin Siegfried
Wondrous Love Sacred Harp hymn, arr. Betty Bertaux
Hail, Holy Queen arr. Marc Shaiman, adapt. Roger Emerson
The Huron Carol arr. Edward Henderson
One Voice Ruth Moody
Be Like the Bird Abbie Betinis (b. 1980)
Hail, Christmas Day! Abbie Betinis
You Have Made Me, Earth Matthew Emery (b. 1991)
Altissima luce Lauda, 13th c.
Ave, donna santissima Lauda, 13th c.
Laude novella Lauda, 13th c.
O Maria, d’omelia Lauda, 13th c.
La bionda treçça Francesco Landini (1325-1397)
Muort’ oramai Landini
Gran piant’ agli ochi Landini
O rosa bella John Bedyngham (c.1422-1459/60)
O Iesu dolce Polyphonic Lauda, Innocentius Dammonis, 16thc.
Got gruess uch, Rose van Jhericho comp. Anna von Köln (c.1480-1530)
Laist ons syngen ind vroelich syn comp. Anna von Köln
Singet frisch und wohlgemut 14th c. melody, arr. Konrad Ameln
Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich chorale melody; Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Jesaja dem Propheten das geschah Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich Motette; Balthasar Resinarius (1486-1544)
Gottes Sohn ist kommen Gesangbuch M. Weisse, 1531, arr. Hans Weber
Herzlich lieb hab’ ich dich, O Herr 16th c. chorale
Maria durch ein’ Dornwald ging 16th c. Leise; Haxtausen hymn collection (1850)
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen 15th/16th c. German; Melchior Vulpius (1570-1615)
Gelobt sei Gott im höchsten Thron chorale; Melchior Vulpius
Wachet auf Nicolai, arr. M. Praetorius (1571-1621)
In dulci jubilo 13th c.?, arr. M. Praetorius
Ecce Maria Michael Praetorius
Preis sei Gott Michael Praetorius
Ich will den Herrn loben Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767)
Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich Hugo Distler (1908-1942)
Herr, schicke, was du willt Distler
Gott ist unsre Zuversicht Distler
Nada te turbe Joan Szymko (b. 1957)
Esto les digo Kinley Lange
Lauliku lapsepoli Folk song, arr. Veljo Tormis
Mu süda, arka ules Folk hymn, arr. Heinavanker
Kuan Shih Yin Chant Chinese; Traditional Buddhist, arr. Ana Hernandez
Hotaru Koi Traditional Japanese
Northern Lights Frode Fjellheim (b. 1959)
Rounds and Short Songs
Musica est Dei donum optimi Orlando di Lasso (1552-1594)
Hotaru koi Traditional Japanese
Clear Horizon Jan Harmon
Now I Walk in Beauty Gregg Smith; Text: Navajo Indian
Be Like a Bird Arthur Frackenpohl; Text: Victor Hugo
O How Lovely is the Evening English Traditional
Dona nobis pacem Traditional
Round and Round Anonymous (Libana)